What's wrong with BASKETBALL?!

Are you asking me??? How would I know. It seems perfectly fine with me. What is wrong with it anyway? 

I don't know. People said it's all dunya stuff and you're wasting your time working on your game and playing.

SAY WHAT?! Are you serious? Yo, who that man telling you all those piece of crap?

Assalamualaikum, hehe

Well, that's a bit of intro to go about. In this entry, I'm just going to touch about Basketball or generally sports and how we can play with the pleasure of Allah for every shot that we take. I used to be a hard core basketballer and in fact, I'm still is. From top to toe, it has to be about basketball and this guy named Allen Iverson, has always been an idol for me to work on my game and play like him. Here's a photo of him...

Great basketballer with great personality. He might have some issue with his appearance but they way he look at his game and his memorable quote was "I play my game as if it was my last" drove me all the way in all aspects of life. Not just basketball, but it could be anything. When I do something, I try to do it as if it was last time doing it.

SOoooo... back to the issue. When I first got myself involved in da'wah and tarbiyyah with ISMA (Ikatan Muslimin Malaysia), I felt that playing basketball is doing me no good. I stopped for a while. It's all dunya stuff. It's not taking me anywhere and I stopped trying to be better at it. But after going through from one halaqah (sort of sitting down in a circle with some Quran recitation and Islamic knowledge discussion) to another and from one reading to another. I found out that working on your game was never wrong. Islam never prohibits someone to improve their game. In fact, it is a sunnah from our Prophet Muhammad SAW.

"It's a sunnah? FOR REAL?!"

Bingo. Yes it is! Working on your game is a Sunnah. Why won't it be a Sunnah if playing sports alone is Sunnah. Just want to bring you guys back into Prophet Muhammad's lifetime. He played sports, sports which are famous during his time. And we are all aware that he recommends three sports as narrated in this hadith by Bukhari and Muslim, "Teach your children riding a horse, swimming and archery." Well, Prophet Muhammad was the best of athlete during his time. Be it in archery, horse riding or even swimming. Prophet Muhammad is at the top of his game. In one the hadith that I want to highlight here is that Prophet Muhammad once said,

"A stronger mukmin is better and loved more by Allah than a weaker mukmin."

There you go, clear cut that working on your game was never wrong. In fact it is encouraged. hehe. So no worries. Do work on your game, nobody can say NO to you. 

So, guys, a few points to take away from today's entry is, everyone and I mean it..... EVERYONE SHOULD KNOW THAT SPORTS IS A SUNNAH and WORKING ON YOUR GAME IS A SUNNAH because Prophet Muhammad stay at the top his game and for us to stay at the top of our game, we have to work on it. When somebody play basketball or even any sports, knowing it as a sunnah, so every shot you take is an ongoing process of gaining the pleasure of Allah. It makes you healthy is two aspects, your heart and your body. It's important when we go out for basketball or any sports, make intentions of performing a sunnah and to empower you body for better obedience towards Allah. Ain't Islam beautiful? ;)

Don't worry, keep working on your game cos that's what the Prophet SAW do ~

Prophet Muhammad SAW said :
"Have fun and play sports. I do not like people seeing restriction in practicing your religion."


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