Taking the first step... is always the hardest!

Assalamualaikum people,

This is my first and newest entry. I don't know about blogging that much but I have friends with a blog and they post all sorts of things like da'wah kind of stuff, what they do throughout the years, etc. Actually, having a blog of my own never even crossed my mind. But after being pushed by my murabbi, might as well mentioned his name, Mohd Hisham Mohd Sharif (, I started to think deep and it sort of ring me a bell to actually have one because he thinks I have great thoughts to share with everyone. He really nailed me down when he used the words "Projek pahala berterusan." haha... Such rhetoric.

Because what I see when you have a blog, you always need to update it with long words and sentences and that can be very tedious or the Malay said, "menyusahkan". But, yeah.. To be heard, you have to do something, you have to go to the crowd with the right way. It's always about taking the first step, because you always hear people said that :

"The first always the hardest."

I mean, it could be anything from as simple as doing a workout to starting an assignment (ouch!) and also becoming a better Muslim (double ouch!), you always need that extra push to keep you moving forward and make the next step. For example, in becoming a better Muslim, there is this hadith from beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW), narrated by Bukhari and Muslim:

"If you walk towards Allah, He will come to you running."

Ahhh... such words to push to the limit, haha. Ok, back to the first step. Sometimes people think that they have to wait for the right time to change, the right time to make the next step, or the right condition before you actually take the next step. Be it anything, not just in the context of becoming a better Muslim, It applies to all your daily stuff. But the thing is.... let's stop and think for a while and ask a few questions to yourself.

"When is it is the right time?"

"When is it I'm ready?"

"Do I even know when I'm ready?"

Frankly speaking, to wait for the right moment takes forever. For example, you want to go to the Masjid and you said that I'm not ready yet. I have to wait till I've prayed five times a day or maybe I have to wait till I become a better Muslim. But the BIIIIGGGG question is, WHEN??? You might end up dead right after you said that. Who knows. Only Allah knows. 

So, people, before I wrap up the whole thing, one message to take away. Whatever thoughts that you have in mind or things you want to do that may or may not change the whole world, JUST DO IT! Leave people behind what they got to say because nobody can say NO to your dream other than Allah. Life is short, and whatever you feel like doing, go ahead and strive for it but make sure, you have.. I repeat, you have to make sure you did not cross the line that Allah has set up for you. (bhs mudah dia, jangan langgar syariat la.). Have a nice day and I hope this entry helps. Spread the words people (^O^)v


|| Some info about myself. I'll go by the name AI, it's up to you to put it as Artificial Intelligence or whatsoever, haha. Still a student, 1st year Bachelor of Arts, major in Psychology, University of Adelaide. Proud to be Malaysian and Let's build an Ummah with Agenda. "Experience is everything" and basketball is my game. :)

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AkuBudakMelayu said...

Ijat can ijat can. Ijat surely can ! Chaiyok2 akh.. remember the purpose of ur writing.. InsyaAllah u will be driven by ur niat yang murni :)

Salam sayang dari kejauhan

AkuBudakMelayu said...

Hai ~ saya asyraf farique. salam berkenalan.

nur mimi nazira said...

great..=) thnks =)

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