"Warning" from Mr Researcher

It was just this morning... 

I had to participate in one research for my Research Methods in Psychology's research participation.

And yup, it was held in School of Psychology..

And this is how some of the corridor looks like ~

Couldn't psycho you enough... erghh~

Anyhow, today's entry is not about the 'psycho' corridor nor the the subject.

It's something that I learned implicitly from the research participation.

During the research, we had to do a few sets of questionnaires and some kind of time inspection test.

For doing such effortless work, you get rewarded 5% for your final mark.

(I do feel dizzy after the test... woo~)

And, I was the last one to complete the study and I just thought I would just have some chat with the researcher, which I forgot his name..

Sorry Mr Researcher...! (>_<)

So, dialogue between me and him goes like this...

Me                  : You get 5% for completing this task, huh?

Researcher      :  Yeah, such effortless thing to do. And you know what? There are still students who
                          doesn't want to participate. That's a reward.

Me                  : For real? That's too bad. You easily get 5% for it.

Researcher      : Yeah. Anyway, grab a Chupa Chups. Thanks for participating.

Me                  : No worries. I did what I had to do.

Yup, I did get a free Chupa Chups lollipop for participating.

Anyway, after I stepped out of the computer lab. Something struck me

It's the same isn't it?

Like how Allah and our Prophet SAW call us for..

Both Allah and Prophet Muhammad SAW promise us goodness and rewards in this world and hereafter.

But we avoid THEIR call....

We avoid this Deen of Islam....

We avoid the Qur'an....

We avoid the musolla...

We avoid the masjid....

We avoid to give our money for charity....

When all this while, Allah and Prophet Muhammad SAW had promised us such goodness if we follow those things that we've avoided...

We follow our nafs too much. Desiring temporary pleasure too much which gives us no good in the hereafter.

We are no different than those students who wants to relax at home and not get reward for their finals...

Or to put into context...

We are just DUMBS who wants this worldly pleasure and get ourselves thrown in the Hellfire in the hereafter...


Thanks for the reminder Mr Researcher   \ (^0^) /

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