The Secret to Success...PART I

Alhamdulillah... the awaited book has arrived. Tadaaa~  (excited... hahaha)

The Secret to Success by Eric Thomas, one of America's most influential motivational speaker.

Surprisingly, he started his journey from a homeless high school dropout.

Nothing like any of us... Boarding schools, private schools, university graduates, yada yada yadaa~

All those cool and prestigious status which we are SOooo proud of. (Hopefully not too much, though.. haha).

Today's entry is a book review... and I'm going to crack open the content of this book for y'all!

The first three chapters was his story... How he got himself caught partying in the house while his parents were away.

Eventually, his step-dad  gets so angry and almost hit him hard. But he managed to run away and never came back. Because he hated his own mother for allowing his step-dad to do such a thing.

Sort of.... (the story part doesn't really interest me, but it's a good read, though!)

Then from here, I will take you to the FIRST PRINCIPLE that he introduced in this book....

Which is...


"Don't make a habit out of choosing what feels good over what's actually good for you."

From this principle... what I can extract is that..

"Make decision with your rational, not your emotional."

When making any decision, consider everything around you...

Ask as many questions possible about the situation to come up with the best solution possible...

For example, If I told you that I would give RM1 million if you jump of a Boeing 777 without a parachute or whatsoever, what would you say?

I wouldn't be surprised if most of you answered a plain, "no". 

Cos, what the heck am I going to do with that money if I'm dead? Isn't that so?

But for those who answered, "no", you might be disappointed later on when you'd actually found out that the plane is not 30 000 feet above the sea level.

That's right, the plane never actually left the ground.

So, take into consideration of EVERY SINGLE THING.


You'll regret making such decision.


Another important stuff is,

The HIGHER the level of EMOTION, the LOWER the level of REASONING

Have a good look at this scale...

All he is saying is that...

We do not put aside our emotions, but taking actions purely based on emotion is dangerous and could cost you everything you ever had.

As a matter of fact, this principle that Eric introduced is not something new... (I'm serious!)

Let's go back 1400 years ago...


Let me see....

Oh, there it is....

"....But perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you; and perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you. And Allah knows, while you know not."

(Al-Baqarah 2 : 216)

\ (^o^) /

I think there's one more..

I wonder...

Oh yes...

Prophet SAW said, "A judge should not sentenced any conflict between two individuals in a state of anger."

(Bukhari and Muslim)

For this hadith, it simply says do not make decision when you're emotional because it may have huge detrimental effect...

Compared to a decision made in a state of calm and rational.

I think that's for now...


Hope it gives great benefits. May Allah make ease for all your daily stuff.

See ya!



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afiqahbaharin said...

thanks izat!
banyak jgk contoh dr para sahabat yg kita boleh ambil..bertindak rasional mengatasi emosi, even dalam keadaan genting pun.

cth mcm Saidina Ali r.a yg tak jadi nak membunuh musuh depan mata kerana diludah oleh musuh tersebut sebab beliau risau kalau dia membunuh tu bukan lagi kerana Allah, tapi kerana marah. subhanallah!

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