When You Want To Succeed As Bad As You Want To Breathe

In this post, I would like to share one story..

An inspiring one, which actually...kind of like a slap on my face. (>_<)

And this story, is not my personal experience. But a story I've read in Eric Thomas' The Secret To Success.

And the story goes like this....

The story is about a young man, who wanted to make a lot of money and he decided to go to this guru.

He told the guru that, "I want to be the same level you're on."

So, the guru said, "If you want to be the same level I'm on, I'll meet you tomorrow at the beach at 4am." 

"The beach?", the young man asked, puzzled. "I said I want to make money; I don't want to learn how to swim."

The guru said, "If you want to make money, I'll meet you tomorrow at 4am."

The young men got there at 4am ready to rock and roll, he's got on a suit, (he should have worn shorts), the old man grabs his hand and says, "How bad do you want to be successful?"

The young man says, "Real bad."

The guru says, "Walk out into the water."

So, the young man walks out into the water (watch this), when he walks out into the water it goes waist deep. The young man is thinking, " ....this guy is crazy... I want to make money and you got me out here swimming, I didn't ask to be a life guard, I want to make money. You got me in..."

The guru interrupted the young man's thoughts and said, "Come out a little further."

The young man walked out a little further, the water was right around his shoulder area.

The young man is thinking again, "...this man is crazy, he's making money, but he's crazy".

The guru said, "Come on out a little further."

The young man came out a little further, the water was right at his mouth.

My guy is like, "I'm about to go back...this guy is out of his mind!"

So, the old man said, "I thought you said you want to be successful?"

The young man said, "I do."

The guru commanded, "Walk a little further."

The young man came and the guru reached down and dropped his head in, holding him down, the young man starts beating and slapping the water.

He had him held down and just before the young man was about to pass out, the guru raised him up. He said, "I got a question for you. When you were under water, what did you want to do?"

The young man said, "I wanted to breathe."

The guru told the guy.... 

"When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you'll be successful."

When you're under water, you don't care nothing about partying, basketball game or anything.

At that point of time, what you really need is air and you not gonna let anything on your way.

So, in everything that we do... especially to achieve Jannah in the Akhirah, this is the key concept!

In fact, this is the very concept that lies behind every success... 

Allah already cracks it down in the Qur'an

"And (as for) those who strive hard for Us, We will most certainly guide them in Our ways; and Allah is most surely with the doers of good."

(Al - ankabut 29:69)

So, let's rephrase this quote...

When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then Allah will guide you.

Cool, huh? (^_^)

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Unknown said...

At that point of time, what you really need is water and you not gonna let anything on your way.

should be 'air', not water.

Unknown said...

Thank you..thank you.

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