Waking up Fre$h (The PROPHET SAW ways~)

Wanna wake up fresh every morning...??

Prophet SAW have his way of doing it.  (^o^)v

This is actually from a hadith narrated by Abu Daud and Ibnu Majah which I heard this morning.

And before we begin... you guys should know that, if we do the Prophet SAW's way, there's always a Barakah or blessing of Allah in it.


In that hadith, Prophet SAW said that when we go to sleep, the Syaitan will tie three knots around us

or to be specific, at our 'Ubun - ubun'~

And in each knots, Syaitan whispered,

"The night is still young, maann~. The Fajr is yet to come up. Go to sleeppp..."

(something like that... I elaborated my way.)

So, these knots are the ones that actually make us very tired and moody every morning.

Thus, the question is...

How do we untie it ?

There are 3 ways that Prophet SAW taught us in this Hadith..

#1 - Say the name of Allah

To untie the first knot... this is what you gotta do. Say thanks to Allah

or, in other words...

recite the doa of waking up from sleep.. 

You can ask your mommy or daddy for the do'a.. okay?

So, now you've already untied the first one..

To untie the second have to,

#2 - Make Wudhu'

Yeah, get out of your blanket and head straight to the bathroom.

No more snoozing the alarm!!!

Because what they said... 


Alright, 2 down..1 more to go.

#3 - Perform Tahajjud Prayer

This is what you gotta do.

It means you have to wake up early to be able to perform this.

As I have said earlier.. It may seems weird that you have to wake up early to feel fresh 

(for some least)

But the ways of the Prophet SAW has his Barakah and blessings of Allah in it.

I bet you've woke up late before..and once you woke up, most of the time you don't really feel fresh, you feel very unproductive.

Whereas, most of the time, when you wake up early, you feel fresh, productive and somehow you feel good about yourself.

Don't you think so?

Try it... It'll make your day, for real. Just make sure you do this for the sake of Allah.

In shaa Allah, He will make it a piece of cake for you.


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