Sin has been FATED..

Being a muslim, we have to believe that everything that happens has been pre-destined.

or what we call as Qada' and Qadar.

When I said everything.... I literally meant everything.

Everything ?

Yup, everything~

What do you mean?

I meant exactly what I said. Everything from what's good to what's bad. Even committing sins has been fated for you.

What?! I thought sins make Allah angry. Didn't he said in the Quran many times??

Some of you might wonder, how can Allah make us commit sins, since all the time He warned us not to do so?

Well, yup, Allah actually does it. 

Allah, somehow allowed us to commit sins, and as Muslims... we have to have faith in it.

Believing this is an issue of our Aqeedah, my brother and sisters.

and Allah, as always, have His reasons.

One of the reasons is...

Allah wants to see, whether we return and repent to Him


We remained with our sins.

That's the major lesson that Allah wants us to take when He made us do Sins.

Yup, Allah definitely gave us choice.

And once we decided to commit sins, Allah is the one who gave us strength to do so because la haw lawala quwwata illa billah (There is no capability and strength other than the help of Allah).

So, out of His great wisdom and Allah's infinite love to His servants, He made sins as a test to us.

He wants to see whether we want to return and repent...

or not.

Allah said in the Quran...

Say, 'O My servants who have transgressed against themselves [by sinning], do not despair of the mercy of Allah. Indeed, Allah forgives all sins. Indeed, it is He who is the Forgiving, the Merciful.' "

(Az -Zumar 39:53)



Allah wants us to return to Him.

He said so in this verse.

So, don't be sad...

It's okay to be sad once you've committed sins. In fact, it's a good quality.

But.... I really have to stress this.

DON'T EVER DENY..... that this is what Allah has destined for you.

If you do so... It will bring you further from Allah, Naud'zubillah.

May Allah protect us all. 

I would end this with a saying....

"For every situation that He puts us in, there are 1001 lessons that we can take, for He is the Most Wisdom and All-knowing."


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