What Tomita-Sensei said...

Eid Mubarak everyone.... (^o^)v

It has been a few days since Ramadan left us. Hope this year's Ramadan was a recharging month for our Iman, Insya Allah :)

Well, I know it is pretty late to talk about Ramadan (for some people), since it is almost a week ago Ramadan ends.

But I do feel a strong urge to write about this. 

Two weeks before Eid (if I'm not mistaken..haha), I met Tomita-Sensei...

She's my Japanese Language lecturer here in University of Adelaide.. 

Her full name is Akiko Tomita, from Aomori, Japan. She's my favourite lecturer, I suppose. 

Funny, interesting and always active in class, which eventually make the class atmosphere a lively one.. haha.

Yup, that's the picture of Tomita Akiko - Sensei in her office. 

I come to her office every once in a while. Have a chat and gave her some 'kuih raya'. She like pineapple tart so much. hehehe.  She even asked me to come to her office often.

Her reason was, "Since I'm not teaching you this semester, we won't met each other much. So, do come to my office often." (^_^)

And today, she invited me to have lunch with her. Wow!  (^o^)v


(Sorry Tomita-Sensei. I already had my lunch) :)

So, on that particular day, I came by to her office....

And we talked about lots of stuff..

I unintentionally (I think out of curiosity), I asked about religions in Japan.

Well, there are some, like Buddhism and Shinto. But she said, most Japanese don't really have any religion. 

They don't really believe in God.. and Tomita-Sensei claimed herself as someone who is not religious.

She don't really pray, here in Adelaide. But when she go back to Japan, she do pray. But to both Shinto God and Buddha God.

When I listened to her... I nodded, but at the same time, I just feel strange hearing about her way of looking at religion. 

I think it's more cultural stuff, I suppose.

Then, she asked about Ramadan...

Wow! I'm surprised she knows about it... One thing I can conclude, Islam is definitely growing there.

Yeiiyy!!! :D

がんばります。。日本であにき、(Keep working hard, brothers in Japan) ;)


I told her pretty much what are the do's and dont's during Ramadan...


She was SURPRISED and SHOCKED when I said that we can't eat or drink at all from dawn till dusk.

She was even MORE surprised and amazed when I say that we don't fast on certain foods or drinks like most other religion does.

She said in despair, "I don't know if I can take it or not because I love food and I love to eat so much."

Haha... But, then I said you will eventually get used to it

And that sort of clarified something for her...

She said in an amazed and praising tone, "No wonder Muslim people are so strong, calm and discipline. Because you had to go through a very hard 1 month.ムスリムはすごいですよ、

(Muslim is amazing.)

Well, that's not what I said. That's what Tomita-Sensei said. A shout out to all Muslim, I suppose.

Don't you guys feel lucky about it? 

Don't you guys feel that during Ramadan, it trains you to be disciplined, calm and strong.

Allahuakbar. Indeed Allah is All knowing. You may think fasting is tiring when in fact there are greater benefits behind it. (2:216)

Indeed, what Allah had said in the Qur'an :

"O ye who believe, it has been made obligatory for you to fast just like the people before you, so that you will achieve Taqwa"

Last word, May Allah grant you His light, Tomita-Sensei... Amiiinn~ :)

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