Reebok Answer XII - I want to be like youuu~ (>.<)

"Sheesh... look at this pair of kicks."
"What's up?"
"It's nice...looks pretty good"
"Huh.. wait till you put it on. It works great. Makes you feel like Allen Iverson. Haha."

     Well, at least that's what I think...haha. Allen Iverson, is the name of my favourite basketball player playing in the NBA and this basketball shoes was designed for him. So, I'm pretty honoured to be wearing one of his shoes. (^o^)v

I ended up buying this shoe cos it's ways cheaper here, buying online costs me around 72AUD. Whereby in Malaysia, it could cost me around RM500 - 600, which is RIDICULOUS for a pair of shoes... duhh! My personal thought about this shoe is, it's niiiicceeeee~ The design is pretty cool, stylish, color scheme is pretty good. Well, that's the outside of it. Looking into its performance, I've only worn it twice. So, I can't really tell, but so far it works well for me. It's comfortable, good grip and really supports fast movement and quick change in direction. Addition to that, it has some sort of Achilles tendon support at the back of the shoe. It's light and superb cushioning. Again, it depends on the individual and personally, for me, that's how I felt. So, to describe this shoe...
"Looks great, works even better." ;)

     I mean, that's the kind of shoe that people are looking for when they want to buy some sport shoes, be it basketball, football or anything. Especially to someone who is really a hard-core player of the sport, they will consider these two aspects. However, in today's entry, I'm not gonna talk about this new pair of kicks that I just bought not too long ago. Instead of seeing it as a great basketball shoe, it kinda like crossed in my mind and somehow this shoe have given a lesson of life, seriously. Looking it from the view of our hearts and soul, it's important to be like this shoe. Why? Maybe I should ask you again, don't you want to have a good heart and remarkable akhlaq (manners) at the same time? Isn't that what was thought by our beloved prophet Muhammad SAW? You want to look good on the inside and you want to look good on the outside.

     As a Muslim, that's the way it should be. We might say, I'm being good is enough for me. Why would I bother about solat, covering my aurat, etc. I'm good already. Well, that's good on the outside, but you're not being good with Allah, you are not fulfilling your syahadah. Once you're in Islam, you have to take everything, no patches. Allah has said in the Quran, in Chapter Al-Baqarah...

"O you who believe, embrace Islam fully and do not follow the steps of Syaitan, for he is clearly your enemy."

     On the other hand, someone who is really pious, a soleh person, devoted his life and have a very conscious Islamic awareness in his heart, but never wanted to act with the right akhlaq. When they were told to dress decently and properly, they would said it's all dunya stuff, Allah gets angry for doing such a thing. I mean come on, isn't cleanliness part of Iman? Isn't dressing decently was what our prophet Muhammad SAW did? Because what we do, is going to reflect the inside. People are going to judge what's on the outside and this leads people to question Islam.

     So, let's be like this shoe, good outside and good inside. It's important to look at every situation with our heart because I believe that there are 1001 lessons that Allah wants us to take for every situation He puts us in. Even with a pair of basketball shoe, if you look with the right point of view, you'll get something.

*P/S = some people might say that this is just a way for me to feel good buying this shoe. But who cares anyway, haha. Don't overspend, buy what you need, not what you want.. (Al-Isra';21)


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