Welcome Ya Ramadan (Adelaide Chapter...hehe)

     Alhamdulillah, praise be to Allah for giving us another chance to see our beloved Ramadan. Every year it comes and go and yet we're still the same person, our Iman is going nowhere.....sobs T.T  InsyaAllah, let's work hard for this year's Ramadan to reach the level of a Muttaqin. Like what Allah have said in surah Al-Baqarah :

 "O you who believe! Fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you, that you may learn self - restrain (taqwa)."

    This year's Ramadan is the first one away from Malaysia. Well, even though I've experienced fasting away from my family during school time in SBPI Gombak and during the time of my preparation program to Australia in KBU, but the feeling is not the same. Because we're far away and to go back home in Puncak Alam (that's where I live ^^) was always...anytime. You can go back anytime or maybe my parents could come and visit me. But here in Adelaide, it's totally different. One thing, that I think is cool is a shorter day time cos it's winter in Adelaide right now, hehe. But, there's another challenge to it. Your day gets colder than usual... huuuuu~ (freezing ~.~')

    It's exciting to know that I actually have a stronger bi'ah here in Adelaide where my housemates are actually racing in doing ibadat to Allah SWT. That is somehow a very strong motivation to keep me racing and increasing my ibadat as well. I pray that Allah SWT will grant us His pleasure and His forgiveness in this month full of Barakah. Do as much as you can to gain Allah's pleasure and cleanse your sins. (^o^)v

   But there is this one experience that I've never felt before in my whole life. And the thing was....

"When do we start fasting?"
"Tomorrow...? or... the day after tomorrow????"

     And I was like, "Pleeeeaaaseeeee.... somebody tell me! I want to go to bed!" In Australia, we don't have Mohor Besar Raja - raja for announcing the Ramadan and Syawal. The night before the 1st day of Ramadan was crazy. It was like this... I was out in the city, meeting two of my Japanese friends, Masahiro and Takumi to spend some time and exchange language skills and cultural background. We had some dinner at K-Noodle (Singaporean restaurant right at the North Terrace). After that I checked Facebook and people have been posting, telling that tomorrow is Ramadan. So, I was getting excited, quickly went to the Musolla at the University, start performing the isya' prayer and completed my taraweeh. Then, on my way back home, I saw this statement on my news feed...

GROUP: Ahles-Sunnah wal Jama'ah



May Allah bless you all.

IISNA - confirmed
IDCA - The Dawah Central - about 3 minutes from now, moon yet to be sighted.

Shk. Aslam AbuIsmaeel - No Moon sighting, Ramadan Saturday

     I was like, "Whaaatttt....??? Are you serious...??? Dah hbes Tarawih dah ni..." I mean completing my Taraweeh was not a big deal, but... When is the first day??? Is it tomorrow, or the the next day? I was running up and down my house asking my housemates. We even google it, calling people here and there, whereas back in Malaysia, at this hour, we already busy with Qur'an recitation, preparing for the first day of fasting, preparing stuff to eat for sahur, etc. (-.-') Then, later, when I woke up for sahur, I saw this statement on Facebook...

IDCA Moon Sighting Update :
Saudi Arabia have announced sighting of the moon and have declared Friday 20/07/2012 to be the first day of Ramadan. IDCA supports the opinion of global moonlighting and therefore it will begin the first day of Ramadan being Friday 20/07/2012.

May Allah reward you all for your patience

     Alhamdulillah..... (^o^)v

     So, today, officially its Ramadan. Yeayy!!! And this is definitely some experience to be remembered, hahaha. One thing to take away, that it is important in how to take the opinions of Mufti or Ulama' in deciding how to determine whether tomorrow is the beginning of Ramadan or Syawal. We never felt the importance of it in Malaysia because there's always the usual 'pakcik' to inform the date. (I heard this year's pakcik is a different one, hehe). I don't really know how to explain it, but this link might help you guys. (

Last words from me, Ramadan Mubarak to all Muslims in this world. Let's complete the divine equation "Mu'min + Fasting = Muttaqin." InsyaAllah, at the end of Ramadan, we'll be there, at the level of Muttaqin. May this year's Ramadan will teach us 1001 lessons to be implemented in becoming a better muslim and mukmin... Some checklist to get y'all pumped up for this year's Ramadan. Again from me, happy Ramadan Mubarak (^o^)v

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