It's Eidul Fitri~ Let's celebrate (^o^)v

Alhamdulillah... よかったですね。明日はエイドル―フイトリですよ (Thank god. Tomorrow is Eidul fitri.)

Yup, surprisingly Australia and Malaysia will be celebrating Eid in the same day, despite the fact that we, in Australia fast one day earlier. haha... not a big deal anyway (^_^)

Lots of feelings in the atmosphere. A mixture of sadness and happiness at the same time. 

We feel sad that a month full with blessings, Ramadan is leaving us behind and we do not know whether we will make it for the next one. 

And we may feel sad if we felt that this year's Ramadan was a blowout and we did not make most of it.

We felt it was such a waste. Such rewards and blessing, yet we do not realize and let it go, effortlessly.

It's like there 70 - 80% SALE and you're letting it go, just like it. That's a total waste isn't it?

However, despite the sadness.. we should be happy cause Eidul Fitri is a festivity. 

A sign of success for completing one of the pillars of Islam.

A day that Allah wants us to celebrate, enjoy, have fun and create a stronger silaturrahim with every Muslims.

So, don't be sad too much, aite?  (^_^)

Despite all those happiness and celebration, it is important to know how our beloved Prophet celebrated Eid.

It was just yesterday, we were given a Friday Sermon regarding this very important matter.

Sometimes we don't even know if it's a sunnah or not. So, it'll be a waste cos if we know it is a sunnah, and we do it for the intention of implementing a sunnah, then you'll have a good record jotted down by Angel of Raqib.

So, some of the sunnahs are...

#1 Have shower before Eid and dress in the best clothes possible.

     It's a celebration and we should be looking as great as possible as well as being modest according the shari'a framework.

     Narrated by Ibnu Qayyim Al-Jauziyyah, that Prophet Muhammad SAW will bath and put on some perfume before the Eid prayer. 
*who says Islam prohibits you from being in style???

#2 Eat something before you go out for the Eid prayer.

     An authentic hadith of Bukhari has stated that Anas RA has said that Prophet Muhammad SAW would eat a couple of dates before going out for Eid prayer. 

     It's simply a sign to show that we have finished fasting and it is time to celebrate.

     Well you might ask? "How about eating some ketupat and rendang? So, that one not sunnah lorrr". In fact it is sunnah. As long as you eat before going out for the Eid prayer.

     Just don't eat too much or you'll fall asleep during the khutbah, hehe.

#3 Invite everyone in your family to the place of Eid Prayer.
     Yup, everyone. Even women who's period. Man, obviously menstruating women can't pray. It's just that, come together and listen to the Khutbah. Together remembering Allah in such a blisslful day.

     It's a sign of unity of Muslims in that particular community.

     In an authentic hadith by Bukhari and Muslim, Aisyah RA said that she and other women, who is menstruating to come to the Eid prayer to get its blessing and the du'a of the Muslims. However, the menstruating women should be away from the praying place.

#4 Walk to the place of Eid prayer.
      In practical term, you may want to park your car a little bit further for you to walk to the destination of Eid prayer. That is exactly what our Prophet SAW did.

#5 Prophet SAW comes in one way and return with another way.

     Well, that's kinda true. Cos it may avoid traffic congestion, I suppose. But anyhow, that is a sunnah from an authentic hadith by Bukhari.

     Why bother using different route? Cos Prophet SAW wants to meet more people and creating a stronger silaturrahim.

#6 Takbir beginning from the Maghrib on the day before the Eid until the start of of Eid Sermon.
     The usual stuff I suppose. This is what Allah has said in Al-Baqarah, verse 185

"And should you complete the number of fasting (a month in Ramadan), and should you glorify Allah (with Takbir) for receiving His Hidayah, so that you may be grateful to Him"

#7 Make du'a for each other.

     Say, "Taqabbalallah wa minna wa minkum" to everyone that you meet. It simply means 'May Allah receive your deeds and my deeds' after so much we have done during the month of Ramadan.

and last but not least.....

#8 Don't forget to make silaturrahim with family members as well as other Muslims

     Well, if your family is not here in overseas, don't worry.. you have Skype to do that, hehe.
     This is it. This is the time to socialize and catch up with everyone. I mean, this is the day to gather everyone, especially family members and old friends.

     Pay them a visit, at least. It will improve your relationship, in shaa Allah.

*My first Eid ul Fitri in Adelaide... (^o^)v
To be honest.. I really miss my family as I was typing this entry. Eid Mubarak to my family in Malaysia ^_^


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Unknown said...

slamat hari raya izzat.. maaf zahir batin =)

Unknown said...

Selamat hari raya jugak.. ampun maaf, zahir dan batin. Taqabbalallah minna wa minkum~

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