The Catharsis Hypothesis

Catharsis Hypothesis??? What the heck is that?

Is that some kind of disease like Eye Cataract?

What's that?

Tell me about it.

Well, It's not a disease.

But it's a theory. A psychological theory that talks about anger.


What does it says about anger??

It's a general thing that when we feel sad, we might as well cry.

Cause this definitely will make you feel better.

But that's not the case for anger.

Yup, we might get the idea that by releasing our anger will eventually reduce it.

Yeah. We're human beings.

We have our limits to hold our anger, you know!

It will eventually burst

Yup, true.

I agree.

But, it only gives you temporary calm.

Because psychological research showed that...

Releasing angers (especially when you're mad at someone) will only BREED MORE ANGER,


and... ooohhh, you don't want to hear this one (>_<) will AMPLIFY HOSTILITY

That doesn't sound reeeaallyyy pleasing, right?

Oohhh... wow. That's devastating.

 I didn't know that

Is that for real??

It's real.

But, they found out, instead of getting angry,

by showing forgiveness or forgiving others..

it will reduce your negative feelings AND your anger.

But you have to do it sincerely.

That's why, Allah said it very clearly in the Qur'an...

"And if you reciprocate a bad act, it is indeed with a bad act, however for those who forgive others' bad act and do good to them instead, thus Allah's reward is with you. Verily, Allah does not favour those of violence."


Maann... That's such wisdom. Allahu akbar!

Moral of the story... Let's always practice forgiveness. Even Allah forgive His servant's wrongdoings, why can't we do the same? We're just a human being.. hehe

Try it... you'll feel happier, In shaa Allah


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Inspector Saahab said...

brilliant post

forgive and forget. but not that easy people.

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