The Secrets to Success...PART III

Alhamdulillah... Looks like in the first two parts, we've established on how to kick-start the change within ourselves. Yeiiiyyy~

Let's review the first three principles that we've learned ~

#1 Don't make a habit out of choosing what feels good over what's actually good for you.
     - Consider everything when you're making a decision, and make sure you use you rational, rather than using you emotion solely.

And the other two principles which I elaborated together were...

#2 Avoid being your own enemy. What's holding you back? You - Not anyone else.
#3 You can change environments, but until you change yourself nothing else will ever change.
     - No matter what you do, no matter how you change your environment and surroundings, if you don't have a strong desire to change, you won't change.

So, in today's entry.. I will continue on Eric's idea of Change.


No, not really. Not as hard as learning thermochemistry or whatsoever

(sorry, I'm a psychology student, not engineering.. haha)

Change is a fairly easy concept, but it's not easy to do.

So, to tackle this matter...

The Fourth Principle is....

Principle 4 :

"Learn to be Curious."

What's up with curiosity?


One thing I know is that, curiosity kills a cat. (English proverb)

What makes the cat got killed?

Because the cat was curious and it went closer to the subject of curiosity.

And eventually got killed.... (sad  >_< )

Ok, I'm not gonna talk about cat. Seriously.

But the idea is, when we are curious, we explore and get closer to the point of curiosity.

When we're curious, we don't just....

I'm really curious...

But, you know what...

I think I'm just gonna sit down here and chill.

Well, that's busybody..

Not curiosity.


When we are so eager to change. We should explore it.

Take some time and give it a thought.

Cos most of the time, when we are struggling to change.

We are SO sure that we have no idea how we got into this problem 

And we are very sure that we don't know how to escape this mess.... Urrghhh

Thus, one thing you have to ask yourself is...

"What would it take to get from where I am now to where I want to be?"

Explore this question and be very detail on what you have to do.

See clearly in your head

As detail as possible on  what you want to be

And then, spend some time and think about HOW DO I GET THERE?!

This reminds me of a story that my dad once told me.

Just imagine yourself hop on a taxi. Then the taxi driver asks you,

"Your destination, sir?"

"Well, just go wherever you like."

For that kind of answer, you'll get, probably three types of responses


"I'm sorry sir, I can't do that. It's hard to calculate the fee."



"Are you out of your mind?!"

Or, worst case possible

"What ? Excuse me sir, the exit door is right next to you. I don't deal with lunatics."

Don't lose the story.

This life is merely the taxi and you are the passenger.

You determine the direction of your taxi.

And I'm agree, the fact that...

"Everything you need, to get everywhere you need to be, is already inside of you. 


Without a strong desire,

to know


to learn something

we will never experience the change we so desperately say we want!"

Again, indeed what Allah said in the Qur'an..

"Then did you think that We created you uselessly and that to Us you would not be returned?"
(Al-Mukminun ; 115)


We are created with an objective. To worship him and act as a caliph on this earth

Not to daydream and let ourselves got carried away by the wave of nafs.

Explore your curiosity to change. InsyaAllah.. you'll be better off.

*until next time... Assalamualaikum ^_^

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