The Achievement Theory!


     Ever wonder what drives Donald Trump to build such fortune?

     Ever wonder what drives Christiano Ronaldo to win Barclays Golden Boot award?

     Ever wonder what drives Michael Jordan to win 5 times Most Valuable Player award?

    And most importantly.... 

     Ever wonder what drives Prophet Muhammad SAW to spread Islam?

     Have you even thought of this? Yes? No? I don't care...? err..

     All of these are the kinds of achievement that these individuals have achieved in the past. The question here, why are they so successful and we're not? Why they are willing to go extra miles and we're not? Haven't you even thought about what makes them successful?
     Well, someone might said....

     "They're talented..."

"They're were born for this reason.."

"They just happened to be extraordinary.."


"Some people are meant to shine, while some don't... *sigh"

     I mean.. come on. What kind of answer is that???

     Those are just excuses for someone who doesn't want to work hard and just wait for the "never-will-come" miracle. Everyone were meant to shine. And what makes them outstanding is because they have a GOAL and they BELIEVE they can achieve it.

     They call it the Expectancy Theory... 

"What the heck is that?"

     This is the Expectancy Theory...

     This stuff is saying, someone is motivated to achieve something that is meaningful to them, and at the same time, they have self-confidence that they can achieve it. This is it! This is their driving factor and this theory pretty much explains every achievements in this world. And this theory pretty much applicable to all types of achievements that you want, be it Dunya matters, as well as achieving the ultimate success in Akhirat, which is the Jannah.

     To achieve something, be it dunya stuff, as well as akhirat, the first question that we should ask is.

#1 WHY?
(Why is it MEANINGFUL?)

"Why is it important to me? How is it meaningful in my life?"

"How meaningful is it to me to graduate uni?"

"Why is gaining more money important?"

"Why is it going to Jannah is very meaningful to me?"

     You're the only one who can provide the answer. But the ultimate and irreplaceable answer is what Allah has stated in the Quran..

"And I did not create Jinn and Mankind except to worship Me."

     We were created for this purpose and for every achievements that we want, must be based on this verse.

The second question that we should ask is....

(Do I have the CAPABILITY?)

     Yup, exactly.

     I mean, what's the purpose of having all those dreams, knowing why is it so meaningful to you, but at the end of the day, you don't think you're capable of achieving it. What's the point of having such dreams, and let it go away just because you 'THINK' you can't do it. 

     You need to have faith that you can do it. Cos you know why? Allah said...

"Allah does not burden someone except [with that within] their capacity."

So, there you have it...

Meaningfulness + Capability = SUCCESS!

In shaa Allah, it will work....



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