My Keyblade!

Well I don't know about you guys, but I grew up with Kingdom Hearts. It's a video game title. I personally used to like RPG (role-playing game) genre. USED to... not so much anymore. I mean, everyone has their bad history.. . But if I were to pick a game genre, I would definitely pick RPG.

And Kingdom Hearts happens to be one of the top list of my favourite RPG genre game.

If you ask me why... basically it's the storyline, as well as its gameplay. But those are technical stuff, which I'm not gonna discuss in this entry, of course.

ok now....

     Remember that Sora (the main character in the picture above) was just a normal young teenager who lived happily with his friends in an island called Destiny Island . But, his jolly happy life was not gonna last forever after one dark and stormy night befell them. During that night, a mysterious, hooded man came to the Island and told Sora that the world have been attacked by the evil Heartless. Crawling through shadows and steal the light from people's hearts, which in turn, will turn them into a Heartless too. 

     On that same night, Sora was then entrusted the Keyblade, the only blade that could cut through the Heartless. And immediately, without delay, Sora embarked on a journey throughout many worlds to maintain the Light from being completely overshadowed by the Darkside brought by the Heartless. Despite such big responsibility, Sora did feel burdened and very much not ready for such trust. But deep down, he knew that the sake of this world lies within him. And if he stay put, the Darkside will win. He live his life as a Key Bearer, maintaining the Light in this world, until the day he dies.


     Life as a Muslim is pretty much similar to the life that Sora has.

"How is Sora's life has anything to do with life as a Muslim?"

     That's a good question... Yeah.

     We used to live with Allah before we were born. No test, no tribulation and no responsibility. Then, Allah send us into this world. Born as a Muslim (Alhamdulillah). Why? Because He wants to test whether we are truly the faithful ones. He wants us to worship Him and at the same time, be a khalifah and spread this love (Islam) to the world. Why do we have to spread this love? Because...


     So, we are responsible for our responsibility, which is Islam. To preach, or to do dakwah is a compulsory. We've learned in school that amar makruf, nahi mungkar (invite to goodness, defy the badness) is a WAJIB or compulsory thing to do, and how is that different to dakwah, right?

     Once Sora received the Keyblade, he went out and spread the Light. That's exactly what we have to do. Spread Allah's light in this world. Islam is the Keyblade that Allah have entrusted to us. And this Keyblade is the ONLY blade that could cut through all the evil in this world. The evil entity such as the Liberalism and Islamophobic movement that desire Islam to be wiped out of the map.

     But, if we're just gonna sit down, and not gonna use the keyblade that Allah have given us, all that is going to happen is that we're just allowing the 'Heartless' of this world to spread the Darkness.

    "So, how do we use this 'Keyblade'?"

     Learn the basics...

     Return to Islam as a whole like what Allah have commanded to us..

"O you who have believed, enter into Islam completely and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. Indeed, he is to you a clear enemy."


     And one way we can become Muslim as a whole is through Tarbiyyah and Usrah... ^^

     Make use of the Keyblade that Allah have given us to spread Islam, the Light into this world. We all dreamed of living in a better world, right?

    We're Key Bearers after all!


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arifkur2 said...

nice one abg izzat :)

Unknown said...

thank you.. ^^

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