What's good about death?

How come no one ever said, "Gee, I wish I were old"?

Ever wondered?

But people always talk about, "Gee, I wish were young.. again."

     The culture that we live in today worships youth. The fear of aging, the fear of dying.

     However, do you know what that means?

     It means life that hasn't found meaning.

     Wouldn't you agree with me?

     A common sense it is...

     When you know how to die, you know how to live. As a Muslim, we believe that how we live our life in this earth will determine whether we will die as a Muslim or not. Naud'zubillah. You become a good Muslim, obey only to Allah and not bowing down to the Syaitan or your nafs, then you will die as a Muslim, in shaa Allah. On the other hand, if you're disobeying Allah so badly, you might end up dying as a non-Muslim. May Allah protect us.

     A question is... why does Allah talks about death in the Qur'an? Why does the Prophet SAW keeps telling us to remember death always? In fact, in one his hadith, when a companion asked how to clean the 'rust' in our hearts, he asked us to remember death and recite the Qur'an. The point that I'm highlighting is, why death?

    People don't want to talk about death. They feel anxiety, feeling uneasy, or to some extent... well, a freak, maybe, if you ever talk about death to someone. I wouldn't know.

    Allah and our Prophet Muhammad SAW always asked us to remember death for one sole purpose... and that is...

If we can accept the fact that we can die anytime, we'll
lead our lives differently.

     Remember your last breath. Allah and Prophet SAW told so so many years ago..

     Remembering death is a miracle, that pushes us to our limits to make use the time that we have in this world in a way that is right and pleases Allah.You won't be wasting time, but you will make use of time, both for worldly and hereafter matters. Leaving you feeling satisfied for very second that the clock is ticking.

     No regrets, no turning back because you've satisfied for everything. What magical thing that prophet Muhammad SAW told us to do. By doing so, could pure your heart, your intentions as well as your productivity.

     You live on this Earth only once. It is temporary, a resting area to replenish, a garden to plant all the seeds of goodness and later, in the hereafter, to be plucked and enjoyed. Thus, remember death and you will appreciate every second that comes. 

     You'll lead life differently. You'll lead life that has meaning to it. Trust me...

     They say, begin with the end in mind. Death is where we are heading after all.

     "Every soul will taste death. And We test you with evil and with good as trial, and to us you will return."



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