Look to the sky!

     The Pillars of Creation... located 7000 light years away from our solar system. Fascinating dust formation in our very own home galaxy, the Milky Way. Personally, it is outstanding. A miracle. When I first looked at it in a TV show on YouTube, Journey to the Edge of the Universe, I was in awe... Amazed by Allah's creation. But what captivated me most was that, the size of each pillars is as huge as our solar system. Allahu Akbar..

     Recently, I've sort of developed a deep interest in the universe, planets, galaxies, and all that stuff (but psychology is still at the top of the list, hehe). It just really fascinates me to know what's out there in the deep space where there are so many unknown stuff and miracles going on. And when we talk about outer space and universe, it's all about mystery, it's about violent explosions, massive objects, expansion of the universe in a trillionth of a second, as well extreme temperatures and climate that goes way beyond our mind could ever think of. It's just amazing. I just couldn't describe it with words other than SubhanAllah!

     And not too long ago, I purchased this book on eBay called Parallel Words by a famous theoretical physicist named Michio Kaku. You know, just to satisfy my burning desire to know more about this world and this universe. I haven't read that much and so far it talks about the String theory, M-Theory and all that space-related theories which I thought were really cool. One of the theories was the 'Inflationary universe theory' which said that in the first trillionth of a trillionth of a second, a mysterious antigravity force cause the universe to expand faster than the speed of light with an unimaginable explosion. Within a fraction of a second, the universe expanded by an unimaginable factor 10^50. Which is just.... WOW! The only thing that I could say is 'SubhanAllah' and even more 'SubhanAllah'.

     Other than what I've mentioned above, the thing about outer space, galaxies and all these cosmic stuff gives me a kind of a feeling that I've never really felt it significantly. I felt so small and so weak every time I look up to the sky and all of His creations in outer space. Seeing all those gigantic planets, ever expanding universe just kept me thinking of how Allah is the sole Almighty and none equates Him. For example, just look at Jupiter. The planet itself is far huge compare to the earth and on the surface of Jupiter, it has what it calls the Red Spot, a super-violent tornado which can fit in 50 of our home planet, Earth. The tornado itself has a gust  that could tear meat from the bones which is very very violent. Another example would be Quasar. This creation is by far the most massive and violent explosion ever discovered and it has a mass of 2 billion times far greater than the Sun. Again.. Allahu akbar! 


The Great Red Spot

    Now I sort of understand, why Allah keeps asking us to look up to the sky to search for His signs. One of the many verses that Allah mentioned us to look up to the sky is in Surah Al-Mulk..

"[And] who created seven heavens in layers. You do not see in the creation of the Most Merciful any inconsistency. So return [your] vision [to the sky]; do you not see any breaks? Then return [your] vision twice again. [Your] vision will return to you humbled while it is fatigued."

(Al - Mulk:3-4)

     That's what I really see after looking and learning about what's up there. I see perfection. I see the mighty power of Allah. As I know more, as more discoveries have been made, I feel smaller and smaller. Outer space, the universe, planets, that's what I used and looked at to make me feel small and weak.

     Well, in the old days, I might have been amazed about it because of academic, science, or physics purposes. But as I go on with my life and going through tarbiah, I view it differently. It is more towards the heart rather the brain. And I'm so grateful and thankful to Allah for allowing me to stay in this tarbiah route. It makes me see everything around me with the correct perspective. The perspective that Allah wants us all to see.  And again, all these cosmic things out there just makes me feel that I'm no one in this world. 

     Me in this ever-expanding universe, is just like a water molecule in a wide ocean. Tiny...very tiny and yet, still as cocky as if you were so big and could survive without Allah. O Allah please forgive your servant.


p/s : oh, please watch Journey to the Edge of  the Universe on YouTube. Prepare to be amazed! (^_^)

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