Basketball Shoe & Shoe Lace..

A few months before I came to Adelaide, I met an akh from UK. He dropped by KBU (Kolej Bndr Utama, where I had my foundation year).

     One afternoon, we were playing basketball together. Me and his 'usrah'mates from UK as well. When we're on our way to the basketball court, I saw his basketball shoe. Still shiny and still have that 'bau kedai'. If I'm not mistaken, the model was Hyperfuse (It was expensive at that time. Around RM300-400. Only 'tokey emas' can buy that).

     So, we had a little conversation. Me and him....

Me   :  Wow, that pair of shoe looks new. I looked at the review and it has good performance too.

Akh  :  Oh, this shoe... ? This is a little bit special compared to any I had before.

Me   :  Oh, why's that? (puzzled)

Akh  :  You see those guys? (pointing towards his 'usrah'mates, walking down the road to the court).

Me   :  Yeah...

Akh  :  Yup, those guys bought it for me. (^^)

Me   :  (O.o) (*speechless!)

Akh  :  Ukhuwwah values more than this. It's not about the shoe, it's about the willingness to sacrifice some of the things that you loved, to someone that you care for the sake of Allah.

     I looked down, looking at my run-down basketball shoe (not that I want a new one, haha). Looking at my shoe lace.

     Ukhuwwah is indeed like a shoe lace, while Islam is like the shoe. With a carefully tied shoe lace, you can walk with the shoe, in fact, run with it without falling down. No problem at all. This Deen of Islam can soar as high as it can get. The Ustaziatul Alam (Islam as the world's 'trend-setter') that we've ever dreamed of.

     But if it is untied, forget running, walking too can make you fall and bleed. Each end of the shoe lace have its role to play. You can't tie your shoe just with one end of the shoe lace, right? So, value it before the shoe can no more be used. Isn't ukhuwwah is one of the core of this Ummah? Take good care of it, will ya~

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