First VLog Ever!

I dunno how it goes, but yeah... my first vlog ever.

     Took me ages to have the courage to actually do it. It was tough cos I know nothing about video editing as well as doing video log AND lack of confidence. *zero knowledge

The editing process was quite a pain for me.... (-.-')

     And Alhamdulillah, it has completed and uploaded on Youtube. Hope it is beneficial for everyone, in shaa Allah. (^^) Jazakallah for everyone who have given me the support. My housemates, Akmal@Chom who've me taught all the skills necessary for recording as well as video editing (now I know how to use Sony Vegas Pro.. haha) and thanks for being patient with my silly questions, hehe. My Murabbis as well as all my friends who have been supporting and not looking down one me. Jazakallah and much appreciated. Hope this is beneficial for everyone.. ^^

Be good & spread this Deen~


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