Good Morning!

Assalamualaikum, good morning, selamat pagi, おはようございます。


     Alhamdulillah, had a great and productive morning. Prayed Fajr at the Masjid, fiinished hafazan of 10 verses, 2 pages of Qur'an, Al-Ma'thurat, jogged, sprint training, a little bit of basketball training and just had my breakfast. What could be more productive than that. Hah~

     I'm just using all the time that I can get during my autumn break and do whatever I couldn't accomplish during the semester. Read more books as well. Something out of my study prospect to broaden my knowledge. (Next, let's perform Solat Dhuha and off to uni. Still have to study though.. haha)

    In this blessed morning I have fulfilled at least three of the 10 Muwassafat of Tarbiyyah. (Sahihul Ibadah, Matinul Khuluq, and Mutsaqaffal Fikri) Booya! Hehe.. May Allah make me consistent. Amin~

     Life has its ups and downs, you just gotta keep going. 

*I rarely post random stuff like this on my blog... But I feel like typing it down, anyway.. haha. Have a productive morning, homies~


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