Ever imagined yourself seeing a 70% discount off for your favorite t-shirts and shoes?

*at least these offers seems appealing to me.. haha

     Now that's one sick offer! I guess you could call those who PURPOSELY missed this opportunity and decided to buy these expensive stuff during a non-SALE period, as someone who's not perfectly sane (In other word, stupid). Hmm..

     But now, let me tell you the BIGGEST SALE that ever existed and it is happening in your closest 'retail store'. Something worth billion times more than your shoes, your clothes and all that stuff. And I wonder what could that be? A 90% sales of everything??? ... (O.O)"


But something bigger.

Something that could save not just your money, but your life too.

    Come look here... Someone is trying to show us the BIGGEST SALE here~

"O you who believed, shall I guide you to a transaction that will save you from a painful punishment?"

     Ooooo... of course I want it. So what is it??

"[It is that] you believe in Allah and His messenger and strive in the cause of Allah with your wealth and your lives. That is the best for you if you should know"

     So, what do I get out of this BIGGEST SALE? 90% discount... hee~

"He will forgive for your sins and admit you to gardens beneath with rivers flow and pleasant dwellings in gardens of perpetual residence. That is the great attainment"


Is the sale still on?

   Yup, in fact, it will be all day long until you hit the grave. Hehe. But I guess some of us... erm, not perfectly sane, cos most of the time, we don't take this opportunity, though (myself too..*sigh). So, what are we waiting? Let's go.... We never know when will the SALE ends (read=when we will die) 


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