Follow the Syaitan~

What ?!! Follow the Syaitan ?!! May Allah grant you Hellfire... grrr. You went missing for a long time, and now today you write an entry to follow the Syaitan. Astaghfirullah brother~

     Wait, wait, wait.... I haven't finished. That's not what I meant literally. What I ask you to follow is his goodness.

What good is there in the Syaitan, my brother? You are insane. Istighfar, brother.


Ok, let's just leave it there.

I know the title is very very controversial. 

It is... haha

Anyway, what I'm trying to say here is to follow one of the most, I would say, respected attributes or characters that the Syaitan possess.

Syaitan has good characteristics?

Yes, they do.

Syaitan is a creature of outstanding diligence, which means, they are the ones who NEVER, in fact, I think they don't understand the meaning of giving up.

The word GIVE UP, DOES NOT EXIST in his life dictionary.

Just imagine how they try to make the sons of Adam astray and disobey Allah in many ways, ever since the time of Prophet Adam until the Day of Judgement.

So, what we have to be aware of Syaitan is,


#1 - They never give up

Until the sons of Adam go his way, he will continue to whisper and whisper again until you SUCCUMB to sins. 

Then only, they will remain calm. 

They made a promise to Allah, and he's not gonna go in Hellfire alone.

He never gave up, and always trying to materialise his promise to Allah. 

Sometimes, you felt that you have fought his whispers really hard,

But, because of their resilience, always remain steadfast and never give up is what makes us feel hard to counter their whispers.

*sigh, May Allah grants us strength to go against Syaitan's whispers


#2 - Systematic and Creative

Hope you still remember what Prophet Muhammad SAW said in his final Khutbah,

He said,

"Syaitan has given up on making you astray through large matters, so be careful with small little matters."

Syaitan is very systematic and creative, too. They will have a well-planned execution to make sure that mankind went astray from the Truth.


These are the good characteristics that Syaitan possess, 'NEVER GIVE UP' & 'SYSTEMATIC'.

I always tell myself, that, whenever I felt it is so hard to go against Syaitan's whispers, I would remember this characteristics that they have.

In trying to become a better Muslims, we will definitely need these two characteristics. 

We need to know that being a better Muslim, like the First Generation of the Quran (The Sahabat), is no easy task and we must never give up to fight against Syaitan's whispers.

And, yeah, to take away our bad habits, especially the sinful ones, we need to have a systematic way to overcome it. Syaitan did it it systematically, so must we. Do whatever it takes.

NEVER GIVE UP, combines with SYSTEMATIC & CREATIVITY, will make you a better Muslim

in shaa Allah


I will leave you guys with the words of Saidina Ali,

"A well-planned falsehood will defeat an unplanned truth."

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Unknown said...

ya, i will remember that too,, syaitan never give up!

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