Allah taught me through basketball~

Early this morning, like always, I will do some basketball practice on my own. Usually at the basketball court  which is like a stone throw a way from my home.

And today's menu was... shooting practice.

Like usual, I will get down to the court and start shooting basketball from a few a different angles and a few different range. I've been doing the same drills ever since I was 15 years old. 

The funny thing about it was, my shooting have not improved a lot, despite such training. It was perfectly fine one day, average on some days, and most days... it was pretty bad. (sigh). My injury (twice knee surgeries, 2010 and 2011) have somehow worsen this problem.

As I was shooting the basketball, Alhamdulillah, I managed to find out what was the problem. The main factor of why it has been so hard to improve and perfecting my shooting. I figured out, it was my shooting form. The way my hand and my arm move as I am shooting the basketball, which is the fundamental of shooting a basketball.

No matter how times you practice, if you don't have the right fundamental, you will not achieve your goal. You will not be able to perfect your shot. In other words, your shooting will not improve, forever.

So, after practice, I sat down at one corner, drinking water from my bottle, I figured out something.

And it was....

"No matter what you do, if you don't have the right fundamental, you will not make it."

Changing the world

Now, people always talk about changing the world. Personally, I think that is an  interesting question.

But there's one problem. People always talk about changing the world. Always talk about changing the world that they forget to change themselves.

How ironic!

A famous freedom fighter, Mahatma Gandhi once said, "Be the change that you want to see in this world."

A famous, rated #1 the most influential person in this world, Prophet Muhammad SAW was once offered a power to rule over Makkah. It would have been easier for him to have power and forced everyone to embrace Islam. But Prophet SAW did not see that way. Without the right people, such power would be useless. Thus, he decided to start from the bottom by building and strengthening the Companions through Tarbiyatul Islamiyah (Islamic education).

In this case, Prophet SAW tackled the fundamentals.. like how I tackled my shooting form.

"So, what do we do or WHAT CAN WE DO to change the world?"

First of all, you need to know what is the fundamental in this world...

What makes up a world? 
     Combinations of different empires.

What makes up an empire?
     Combinations of different countries.

What makes up a country?
     The ruling government..

What makes up a government?
     Combinations of different communities.

What makes up a community?
     Combinations of different families.


What makes up a family?
     Combinations of different individual.

See that?

To change this world, you have to change your self, change at the individual level because that is the fundamental. No matter how you try to change the community, the country or the government, if the individual still remain unchanged, then you won't be able to see the change that you are longing to see.

Yup, it is faster, to change at the top level, but it won't last. But by altering and enforcing the fundamental, it may be slow, but it will have a bigger impact. Slowly, but surely. In shaa Allah.

You know what Michael Jackson said ? He said in his song, "Man in the mirror"...

"If you want to make the world a better place, just take a look at yourself and make that change."

And you want to know what Allah said? He said in The Quran..

"Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves."

(Ar-Ra'd : 11)

So, to change the world... start by changing yourself. Yup, slowly, but surely. In shaa Allah. 

May the light of Islam shine upon this world once more. Amiinnn~

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Unknown said...

amiinn ya Rabb =)

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