The 10 'Core' of Muslims

"Hey, have you heard of this 10 cores of every Muslim."

      "The only core I've heard of is the Earth's core... haha."

"Well, it is called the 10 Muwassafat of Tarbiyyah."

      "The 10 Muwassa ~ what?"

"Haha.. I know it's mouthful. Like talking and eating at the same time."
"You pronounce it as 10 MOO-WAS-SO-FART of TAR-BE-YA..."

      "Oh alright, I get it now. So, what's up with that?"

"To ensure that Islam will be on top of this world again, an Imam named Hasan Al-Banna came out with this. Every individual, gotta work hard to achieve all of these cores."

      "Man, that sounds cool. Talking about world domination...ehek.ekeh.ehek."

"Yeah, the Islamic way, though. We wanna put Islam back on this world map."

      "So what are the 10 cores?"


Assalamualaikum readers,

It's been a while since the last entry. Been busy with assignments (>_<)

Anyway... Today, it's about the 10 Muwassafat of Tarbiyyah.




I heard somebody asked, "What's that?"

Haha... Alright. It's pretty simple stuff.

I don't want to explain too much detail on this. 

This 10 Muwassafat of Tarbiyyah is simply about the 10 basic things that every Muslim should implement in them.


Enthusiastic (or radical) young people, always talked about Islamic nation.

Islam this, Islam that... Islam everything! 

Well, that's cool. AMAZING SPIRIT! 

WOW! (^O^)



They themselves are not 'Muslim' enough. Hmm~

Criticising other people in a destructive way...

Uncontrolled mingling with other gender...

Too much games...

Too much entertainment...

In a simple word... their characters has nothing that shows an Islamic character.

Nothing AT ALL. (Well, that's kind of exaggerating it.. haha)

When you see them, it's like

"Err...ok. Err...Is that the kind of Islam that he wants to bring?"

You get confused with these kind of people.

These people are just like empty cans... They make TOO MUCH unpleasant sound.

"O you who believed, why do you say what you do not do? Great is hatred in the sight of Allah that you say what you not do."
(61: 2-3)

Build the Islam 'nation' within yourselves FIRST....Before you talk too much about others

Let the light of Islam shines within you...

Critic yourself first before criticising others...

Build this 10 cores and make yourself a better Muslim first....

  1. Qodiran ala kasbi - Independent and always wants to produce the best outcome.
  2. Nafi'un lighairihi - Altruistic (beneficial to others).
  3. Matinul Khuluq - Have the best code of conduct, based on the Qur'an and Sunnah.
  4. Haarithun ala Waqtihi - Good time management. Efficient in using your 24 hours.
  5. Salimul Aqidah - Have a strong Allah and Rasul faith basis.
  6. Sahihul Ibadah - A 'Sahih' Ibadah. An Ibadah that touches the heart and soul.
  7. Mutsaqqafal Fikri - Broad knowledge, both Islamic and general knowledge (especially your field of study).
  8. Mujahadah ala Nafsi - Strong determination to fight against nafs (desire)
  9. Munazzam fi Syu'unuhi - Organised in every manner or daily routine.
  10. Qawiyyul Jismi - Strong and healthy physical.

So, 頑張りましょう、みんなー (Let's work hard everyone)

*Some video of 10 Muwassafat of Tarbiyyah. Enjoy the video (^o^)v

Credit to ISMA South Australia~

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Aeishah Khidir said...

Build the Islam 'nation' within yourselves FIRST....Before you talk too much about others
:) good sharing.jzkk

Unknown said...

waiyyak.. :)

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